St Cuthbert’s Parish Church

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St Cuthbert’s Church, Clungunford

Your Local Church – Everyone Welcome


Clungunford Village Choir

On Thursday 21st June Clungunford Village Choir enticed a sizeable audience through the doors of St Cuthbert’s with the promise of A Little Midsummer Night’s Music; a celebration of songs from 20th century musicals.

From the rather apt opening – in church surroundings – of Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ that headed-up an impressive medley from his greatest stage and screen hits, the choir paved the way for a delightful evening’s entertainment. We were whisked away into a dreamy reverie by songs from Gershwin, Sondheim, and a spectacular finale of arrangements from ‘Les Miserables’.

Interspersed throughout were some humorous and reflective readings, carefully-chosen for the event by Anthea Bason and enjoyed by all.

A five star quality performance of ‘The Girl from Ipanema’ stole the show with its undeniably intricate rhythm: it was executed with finesse and aplomb; more than a few waists swaying to the beat in their seats and toes tapping away on the tiled floor.

Conductor, accompanist, performers, and the refreshed committee of the Clungunford Village Choir – not to mention the new church wardens on hand to extend a warm welcome, and those who produced refreshments – should all take note that the applause at the end of the event was indeed thunderous in appreciation of a fine evening and all of their combined efforts. A Choir Fan