Clungunford Parish Council

The Parish Council is the elected body that represents Clungunford in local government. Consisting of nine councillors, and able to count upon the services of a part-time clerk, the Parish Council deals with its statutory responsibilities as they arise. For example, the Parish Council is a statutory consultee on planning applications that affect land within the parish. Most of these are non-contentious, but occasionally some require very careful consideration and comment. The Parish Council is the point of contact for residents with complaints about roads and other services provided by Shropshire Council.

The Parish Council often takes the lead in what might be termed non-statutory matters, such as initiating celebrations to mark notable national or local events (parties for the Jubilee or 100th birthdays and so on). Very few Parish Councils in Shropshire have a full complement of councillors, but Clungunford does and in recent memory it has always been so. The councillors take their work very seriously, and should contentious matters arise, the practice over a number of years has been to summon a meeting in the Village Hall to canvass the views of residents.

The Parish Council meets at the Village Hall every two months on the second Wednesday of the month in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November. The May meeting coincides with the Annual Parish Meeting.

Everyone is welcome to attend Parish Council meetings. The Annual Parish Meeting includes a review of the year by the new Parish Council Chairman, who is elected at the preceding Parish Council meeting.

Matters of concern may be brought up with the Chairman or the Parish Clerk or with any Parish Councillor.

Chairman: Jonathan Roberts: Clungunford House, Clungunford, Craven Arms, Shropshire SY7 0QL
Tel: 01588 660673

Clerk: The clerkship is currently vacant. Please contact the chairman (as above) or email:

Current parish councillors:

  • Keith Arbery – 01588 660159
  • Mary Bason – 01547 540782
  • Anne Gledhill – 01588660485
  • Mike Jones – 01588 661145
  • Patricia McHaffie – 01547 540525
  • Rob Rees – 07497 427376
  • Jonathan Roberts – 01588 660779
  • Christine Tinker – 07970 577614
  • Mike Tucker – 01547 530935

The Clungunford Funds

Clungunford has assets given to the parish around 350 years ago which consist of land and money. The land is rented out and the money invested generating income which is then divided into two registered charities, The Clungunford Fund and The Clungunford Educational Foundation. As registered charities they operate under charity commission rules which protects both the assets and

All who live in the parish are entitled to ask for a grant from these funds at a time of particular need. Grants are not means tested and are available to anyone in the parish no matter their income or circumstances. All applications, information given, and the outcome is totally confidential to the Trustees and Clerk.

Amounts given are dependant on the overall costs incurred, the money available and the judgement of the Trustees. Contributions can only be given if no help is available from public funding.

The Clungunford Fund
(Charity number 501782)

Parish residents can ask, for example, with help

  • At times of bereavement and sickness, including visiting relatives in hospital or care
  • With travel to hospital and other medical treatment
  • With winter heating (for those not eligible for the government grant)
  • With furniture, clothing, TV licenses
  • With disability chairs, convalescence expenses, personal alarms
  • Any requests will be considered

The Clungunford Educational Foundation(Charity number 505104)

This fund is to promote the education of children and adults up to and including the age of 25, for their social, physical and artistic education.

Help can be given with, for example;

  • School uniform
  • Travelling expenses, after hours classes
  • Apprenticeship and vocational training courses costs and equipment
  • Music tuition, instruments and travel costs
  • Educational exchanges and visits
  • Driving and swimming lessons
  • Grants for students moving away from home
  • ICT equipment
  • Any requests will be considered

All enquiries and applications are received and treated in strict confidentiality.
Any enquiries or applications, including details of the costs, can be sent to the Clerk Mrs A Gledhill, Abcott Manor, Abcott, Clungunford SY7 0PX or by email to 01588 660485

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